What is a Music Therapist?

A music therapist is someone who has at least a bachelor’s degree in the field. The degree must be from an American Music Therapy Association-approved college (AMTA). Music therapists who have earned the credential Music Therapist Board Certified (MT-BC) have passed an examination in addition to having a bachelor’s degree. Music therapists assist people of all ages with learning, emotional, social, intellectual, or psychological disorders in expressing themselves creatively through music.

Some music therapists, for example, assist substance abusers in alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs. This type of music therapist helps patients learn to play an instrument, sing, or write songs in order to encourage creative expression of feelings and introduce activities that can be used as a substitute for drug abuse. If a patient isn’t interested in learning to play a musical instrument, singing, or writing songs, the therapist will likely have them listen to various types of music that they find uplifting or comforting.

Music used in music therapy does not always have to be upbeat. Some people find country music comforting in a down-to-earth way, such as Patsy Cline’s song “Crazy,” with its lyrics about broken hearts, while others prefer the upbeat, energetic instrumentals of a Dixieland jazz band. If we think of songs or types of music that we find healing in some way or that just seem to comfort us when we’re sad, we can better understand the concept of music therapy. For example, the melody of The Foundation’s 1968 chart topper “Build Me Up, Buttercup” may appeal to different people for different reasons because the lyrics express frustrations in a love relationship while the melody is uplifting.

A music therapist’s main concern is determining what type of music and activities would best benefit each patient and using that information to develop individualized therapy goals. A music therapist must design a music therapy program that takes into account each patient’s abilities, interests, and specific challenge or disorder. For example, music therapy may be used to help a patient learn to interact with others if they have a shyness problem. This can be accomplished involving the patient in a musical ensemble.

It’s important to understand that a music therapist is not a career coach for people who want to work in the music industry. While music therapists are familiar with music and will likely encourage patients who have a musical talent to pursue whatever musical activities they enjoy, the primary goal of music therapy is to assist the patient in healing emotionally or psychologically. Music therapists must keep track of their patients’ progress and make any necessary adjustments to therapy programs to ensure that their health and well-being are always taken into account.