What is a Nail Piercing?

A nail piercing is a piercing that is done to the nail. These types of piercings are unique in that they do not involve any pain. After a piercing is completed, a piece of jewelry can be inserted through the resulting hole for decoration. A nail piercing is best done on artificial nails and can contribute to a person’s image. Anyone interested in a nail piercing should avoid performing the piercing himself or herself and should consult a professional piercer.

Nail piercings can, hypothetically, be placed on any nail. Some nails, however, are more hospitable to jewelry than others. The nails on the little finger and the ring finger can provide a good place for a nail piercing, because these fingers are usually used less than the others, and less use of the pierced nail minimizes the potential for damage. Piercing a nail on either of these fingers can look more feminine than the alternatives, if that look is desired.

Piercings are better suited to be performed on artificial nails. This is because natural nails are likely to be weaker than their artificial counterparts. Those who have decided to pierce their natural nails can take steps to fortify their nails and make them more accommodating to a piercing. Consuming nail-building vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, and applying nail-strengthening liquids to nails can help strengthen a nail for piercing.

Unlike standard nail art that can be fixed or glued onto the surface of the nail, nail jewelry is hooked onto the nail through a pierced opening. After it is looped through the nail, the piece of jewelry is fastened shut. In this way, pieces of nail jewelry are very similar to those that are worn in the ear.

It is possible to pierce one’s own nails, but it is recommended for those who desire nail piercings to consult a professional piercer. Professionals can help choose the best location for a piercing and can create the piercing with an exactness that many amateurs lack. If the pierced person desires to have as much input as possible, he or she can browse catalogs for pictures of nail piercings and approach the piercer with his or her ideas.

Nail piercings have gained popularity. High-brow fashion designers have jumped on the nail piercing bandwagon and have designed jewelry intended to be worn on the nail. Consumers who are interested in obtaining name-brand jewelry can simply ask to see their options the next time they visit their favorite department store.