A night school is a school that offers classes in the evenings or on weekends, allowing people who are unable to attend classes during the day to receive an education. Many night schools are held on college or high school campuses that are open to the public during the week. This practice allows night schools to significantly reduce their operating costs, allowing them to charge their students less.
Adult education is the primary focus of night schools. Most adults work regular hours, making it impossible for them to attend classes for personal and professional development late at night. Such classes are available through a night school, which also creates a support network of similar students who can help each other with a variety of needs, such as coping with childcare issues or studying for tests together.
Night schools can serve a variety of purposes. Some are designed to help people who are illiterate or struggling to learn a new language with adult literacy services. Many people around the world are functionally illiterate, and going to night school can provide them with a plethora of new opportunities as well as make it easier for them to navigate society. Other schools provide high school equivalency classes, allowing students to earn high school diplomas or prepare for tests that will lead to a high school equivalency certificate.
There are also trade classes and professional development classes available. Students can learn a variety of trades at night school, including cosmetology, nursing, law, and automobile repair, among others, by taking advantage of classes and schedules that are tailored to their needs. Individuals who want to enter or re-enter academics while working can enroll in night school classes to prepare for transfer to a college or university, or to earn a bachelor’s degree, depending on the school.
Students interested in attending a night school to broaden their educational horizons can speak with college and high school counselors, who can provide information on regional night schools as well as other options such as low residency college programs. Many students who may have difficulty paying for such programs can receive financial aid, as well as a variety of tuition repayment programs that can be tailored to address a specific financial issue or circumstance. Students should also be aware that if they are the first in their family to attend college, special funding may be available, and that many employers will help pay for night school classes that will allow an employee to advance professionally.