What Is a Panoramic Dental X-Ray?

Many types of x-rays are used by the dentist today. A panoramic dental x-ray is a panoramic picture of a person’s entire mouth. This provides the dentist with a clear view of all teeth in a single picture, which gives him a better understanding of the health and placement of the teeth in the jawbone.
A panoramic dental x-ray is particularly important for identifying problems with the wisdom teeth. These are the teeth in the back of the mouth. A standard x-ray has a difficult time capturing the entire wisdom tooth because of the depth of the root area.

The X-ray provides a broad view of the entire mouth area, which gives the dentist insight to other potential dental problems. This photo includes the jawbone, neck, and sinus areas of the human head. This can help a dentist determine any misalignment of the jaw area, which can affect the chewing habits of a person.

The panoramic x-ray uses special film that is not placed in the patient’s mouth. This is different than a standard bite wing x-ray. The panoramic x-ray relies on advanced technology that reads through the head and teeth, similar to a chest x-ray.

Most dentists perform a panoramic dental x-ray on the first visit. This provides a quick photo of the teeth to help the dentist determine potential tooth decay. A dentist will often require additional singular photos for specific tooth problems identified in the panoramic view.

A panoramic dental x-ray takes several minutes to complete. The dentist will typically ask the patient to sit still while mechanical x-ray machines move around the head. This process is painless but can be slightly intimidating.

Many people worry about the radiation dosage of x-ray machines at the dentist. This type of x-ray is modest compared to standard chest x-rays. The X-ray produces about two-thirds less radiation then a typical chest x-ray. This dosage is equivalent to three standard tooth photographs.

A panoramic dental x-ray is not necessary every year. Most dentists request a new panoramic reading every five years. This provides adequate review and coverage to determine potential problems with the jaw area or wisdom teeth.
Most dental insurance polices will cover a panoramic dental x-ray on an infrequent interval. This x-ray is more expensive than a standard bite wing x-ray but is considered more efficient because it covers the entire mouth with one photo. It is best to review the specific dental policy before seeing the dentist to understand what costs will be covered.