What Is a Peruvian Breakfast?

A Peruvian breakfast is the typical first meal of the day in the South American country of Peru. It is traditionally hearty, as throughout history many Peruvians have been farmers that work in the fields, starting early in the morning, and need the energy a big breakfast provides. A typical Peruvian breakfast may consist of bread and rolls, eggs, cheese, and some fruit. Beverages such as coffee and tea are usually consumed with breakfast. On Sundays and holidays, a more elaborate meal with traditional Peruvian dishes is often served.

Breakfast is an important meal in Peru that most people find time to eat everyday. While daily breakfasts are filling, they are also fairly simple. Eggs are a staple and may be fried or scrambled. Bread products, such as rolls, are regularly served and may be accompanied by butter or jam. Black coffee is a very popular Peruvian breakfast beverage, along with strong, hot tea.

The cuisine of Peru is an interesting mix of Asian, European, and African influences. Peruvians have developed a number of breakfast dishes that incorporate these flavors with the ingredients native to the area. These dishes are not usually served everyday, but they are very popular on Sundays and holidays.

In some parts of Peru, sandwiches are popular breakfast options. Two of the most popular sandwiches are made with pork. El sandwich de chicharron typically consists of deep fried pork loin served on French bread. Lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise are commonly added to the sandwich. Buttifarras is another type of sandwich served on French bread and made with Peruvian ham. It is common for salsa criolla, a spicy sauce consisting of oil, chili peppers, onion, and lime juice, to be used as a condiment on these sandwiches.

Another dish often served at a Peruvian breakfast is tamales. These are made by stuffing a corn dough with ingredients, such as cheese or meat, and traditional Peruvian cooking spices, which make the tamale slightly spicy. A tamale is baked and then served wrapped inside a banana leaf. Tamales may be served with salsa criolla.

Other popular Peruvian breakfast dishes include lomo saltado, caldo de gallina, and empanadas. Lomo saltado is a recipe that combines beef with tomatoes, onions, and soy sauce. This dish is typically served over rice with a side of French fries. Caldo de gallina is a rich chicken soup with vegetables and noodles. Empanadas are turnovers that are usually stuffed with chicken, beef, or ham. The meat is usually well-seasoned, and cheese may be added to the empanada filling.