What Is a Philosophy of Management?

Also known as management philosophy, a philosophy of management has to do with the varied ideas and concepts of how to manage people in the most efficient manner while also providing opportunities for involvement and personal growth. A number of processes can be included in this type of philosophy and form the basis for the type of management techniques employed in a given situation. Typically, the underlying philosophy of management will have a direct influence on the type of management strategies employed and even how those strategies are translated into action in the workplace.

The ultimate goal of any worthwhile philosophy of management has to do with motivating employees to function in the workplace at the highest level of production possible, with the manager providing direction, support, and correction when necessary to achieve this end. The specifics of how this management process occurs will vary from one setting to another, often influenced by factors such as the culture, education level, and scope of experience that the manager brings to the task. At its best, the approach used to implement the philosophy of management empowers employees to achieve on the job, builds confidence and self-esteem, and aids in the development of employee loyalty.

It is important to note that any workable philosophy of management balances the need to safeguard the interests of the employer with the task of finding ways to nurture the development of skills in employees. Typically, this will require the creation of a clear line of communication between managers and employees. While the manager is ultimately accountable for any activities that occur in his or her area of responsibility, working closely with employees as well as serving as the manager can often make it possible to gather data that aids in making decisions that are in the best interests of everyone involved.

There is no one right philosophy of management that will apply in every situation. Choosing to see management as a role that requires the assumption of leadership while also establishing procedures that promote teamwork and a sense of belonging for employees is often a key factor in a positive management philosophy. From there, elaborating on a philosophy that is relevant to the culture and setting of the workplace will go a long way in developing policies and procedures that are effective and inspire growth for the business and for the employees assigned that that manager.