What is a Poster Frame?

Poster frames are simple frames that are used to protect posters and also add a finished look to this type of wall art. The standard poster frame resembles a simple picture frame and often makes use of the same type of materials for the framing. It is possible to purchase frames that are very simple in design as well as versions that are more ornate and decorative.

A basic poster frame is usually composed of plastic components that easily fit together and protect the poster. The frame is made up of a cardboard backing, a clear plastic cover that serves the same function as glass in picture frames, and four side pieces that snap into place once the poster is properly positioned on the backing and covered with the transparent sheet of plastic. The basic picture frame will also come with a hook attached to the rear of the backing, making it possible to hang the poster in a manner similar to any type of framed art.

More ornate and expensive models of the poster frame can also be purchased. These frames may be constructed in a manner similar to a picture frame, just on a larger scale. The frame proper may be attached rather than pieces that snap into place and feature a slot at the top or the bottom of the frame to allow the poster to slide into the frame. Rather than using plastic, these large frames make use of glass or Plexiglass for the clear cover, with the sides of the frame made of metal or wood rather than the plastic used for a basic poster frame.

The poster frame is a great way to preserve posters by allowing them to be displayed as wall art without the need to use tape or tacks to secure them to the wall. Frames also add a more polished look to the art, making it possible to use framed posters in many casual rooms around the home. A poster frame may be used to create a wall display of movie posters, concert posters, or any other type of poster desired by the occupant of the space.

Basic poster frames are found at many discount retail outlets and can be purchased at very reasonable prices. More ornate versions are often found at hobby shops and retail outlets that deal in movie and music memorabilia. While the higher end examples of the poster frame do cost more, they also usually provide a degree of protection for the poster that is not possible with the cheaper types.