What is a Refrigeration Technician?

When a refrigeration unit in a home or business needs to be repaired or maintained, a refrigeration technician is usually called to assess the situation and make repairs. He is usually expected to investigate the problem, explain it to the owner or manager, and make recommendations. Repair, parts replacement, or scrapping the entire unit as it is not worth the cost of repairs are the most common options. Through his experience and education, the technician is expected to have a good understanding of these options.

After hearing about the problem, a refrigeration technician will usually run a series of tests to pinpoint the source of the problem. This usually entails looking for leaks in connections and lines. He also uses thermometers to check the temperature in various parts of the unit. Pressure and air flow levels are frequently measured using other testing devices.

If these tests reveal no flaws, the technician will most likely move on to other types of system analysis. He normally disassembles each section of the refrigeration system and tests each part and component individually. Pneumatic, electrical, and mechanical examination tools are frequently used in this investigation. Cooling lines, evaporators, and pipes are the most common parts of a refrigeration unit that need to be repaired or replaced. Refrigeration problems can also be caused by compressors, motors, and condensing units.

A refrigeration technician uses various skills related to his profession to troubleshoot depending on the nature of the problem. He can usually repair a part or piece of the unit with soldering or brazing tools if it is only slightly damaged. Leaks in tubes or conduit are the same way. Normally, repairing or adjusting these components is less expensive than replacing them.

In order to do his job properly, a refrigeration technician may be required to read and interpret blueprints and schematics. If he suspects the problem stems from faulty wiring, he’ll have to look at the blueprints for the room where the refrigeration unit is located to figure out the wiring pattern. If the problem is suspected to be internal, the schematics of the unit may need to be interpreted.

A refrigeration technician’s ability to maintain records efficiently is critical to his or her success. To justify repair costs, he is required to document malfunctions and parts replacements on a regular basis. If a product is covered by a warranty, the owner is usually required to submit detailed paperwork to back up his claim. The technician’s job also includes filling out work orders and parts requisition forms.

Although on-the-job training can still be used to become a refrigerator technician in some cases, most employers require technical education or formal apprenticeship training to qualify for the position. Because some refrigerants are toxic, certificates in handling hazardous materials may be required. It is highly valued if you have demonstrated mechanical aptitude in previous positions.