What is a Sew-In Weave?

A sew-in weave is a type of hair extension that is typically done at beauty salons where either real or synthetic human hair is sewn onto small, tightly woven braids against the scalp. Many people believe that these extensions look more natural that most other types, such as wigs or clip-on hair. In most cases, a sew-in weave will last for at least three months before it must be taken out. This type of hair extension might be a good choice for a person who is frequently around other people, because weaves tend to stay in place better than wigs or clips. This decreases the chances of a person finding herself in an embarrassing situation in the event her false hair comes out.

Most of the time, a sew-in weave takes anywhere from two to four hours for a stylist to put it in. It typically takes lots of time to braid the existing hair against the scalp and then sew in the new hair. The price of a sew-in weave may vary depending on whether real or synthetic hair is used, the amount of hair sewn in, and where the procedure is done. Different stylists tend to charge different rates depending on their experience and the average income of the majority of their clientele.

Maintaining a sew-in weave is supposed to be easy. Stylists recommend washing the weave about once every 10 days. Washing more frequently than that may cut into the length of time the weave will last. People with scalps that tend to get oily may have to shampoo at least once a week to keep the weave looking like it is supposed to. It is also a good idea for a person to use conditioner with each shampoo to keep the ends of the hair from looking brittle.

Most stylists recommend staying away from chlorine while a weave is in place. Chlorine can be damaging to both real and synthetic hair, and lots of exposure to it might cause a hair weave to lose its sheen and start looking dried out. Sew-in weaves also tend to tangle easily, but this could be prevented if a person wraps her hair up in a scarf while she sleeps. Brushing the weave out a few times every day is also a good idea because one small tangle can quickly lead to another. Getting the tangles brushed out as soon as they form can prevent a larger problem down the road.