What Is a Shift Script?

Shift script is a computer programming language that complements Microsoft Visual Basic. This simpler coding language is built to control applications from external sources, where remote files can provide orientation for some functions of an application. Some developers might describe shift script as a spinoff of Microsoft Visual Basic, which is a popular object oriented programming language used to develop Windows-based applications. Other industry experts might call it an accessory, or a way of supporting the applications created or managed with Visual Basic and related coding languages.

Many developers refer to shift script as a rapid development programming language because its simple syntax enables quick builds. Programmers might use this language for working on computer games and other kinds of applications. One feature of this technology is an integrated development environment that helps users to sync up the language with other aspect of applications or programs.

For those who want to understand how shift script works, it’s important to know about the nature of Microsoft Visual Basic. Visual Basic is an object oriented language. This means that various classes in the language will appear as physical objects in applications. Programmers create these with a mixture of selection tools from the Visual Basic studio and specific coding modules. The result is objects such as picture windows, text boxes, message boxes, and command buttons that can be manipulated by code in various ways.

Programmers who are familiar with Visual Basic script, a Visual Basic language for web development, may find shift script to be similar in many ways, and slightly different in others. One characteristic of shift script syntax is that users can “call” objects such as message boxes, which allows developers to quickly implement code for a display box with a text message for an end-user, or a person using the finished software product. This code language also helps developers to affect software in many other ways with relatively easy commands.

It’s important to note that while shift script is the name for a specific computer programming language, it may also be a label applied to various other types of programming. A computer language that would utilize the shifting of ASCII characters or other variables might also be referred to as a “shift script.” Developers who become familiar with the overall terrain of the web and application programming world will generally know from context what others are referring to when they hear this term.