What is a Soaking Tub?

A soaking tub is a kind of bath tub that is usually deeper and a bit shorter than most traditional bath tubs. Furthermore, while most standard bath tubs are designed with a shower head so that the tub can be used as a place to stand during showers, a soaking tub is not usually connected to a shower. Rather, it is filled with water by a tap that is dedicated just for filling the tub. Although the tub can be fitted into a nook of a bathroom, recent trends in interior design place these tubs in the center of a bathroom or asymmetrically placed in the room but away from any corners. The exception in this trend is when the tub is fitted in a space surrounded by windows.

Unlike the rectangular shape of most tubs, it is common for a soaking tub to be oval or circular. In some cases, these tubs are square, but in a manner that is much shorter than traditional tubs. The purpose behind the depths of these tubs is the ability to easily soak the entire body in water. This is also the reason for the shortened length or circumference. With this kind of design, it takes less water to fill the entire tub than with the traditional long bath tubs.

Most soaking tubs are not designed to allow bathers to lie down as in standard bath tubs. Instead, they are designed so that bathers can lounge comfortably while soaking in the water. In most cases, these tubs are only large enough for one adult at a time. Like most tubs, a soaking tub is equipped with a drain at the bottom through which the used bath water can exit.

Because soaking tubs have gone through a period of being perceived as chic in the interior design community, there are a number of luxury versions made out of pricey materials such as natural stone. There are, however, more affordable options that are made out of acrylic, fiberglass, or a combination of the two. Even these more affordable soaking tub models are still pricey as most bathroom fixtures are.