What is a Wireless Charger?

Consumer electronics and mobile phone technologies have come a long way over the last two decades, including the introduction of the wireless charger. The wireless charger is a handy product that allows mobile electronic devices to be charged without the necessity of wires or plugs. Wireless chargers can even conveniently charge several devices at once, which saves time and electricity.

Wireless chargers, often called power mats, use a technology called magnetic induction to transfer electrical energy from wall power sockets to electronic devices. Electricity is carried along magnetic waves into the wireless charger and then transmitted to electronic devices through wireless receptor pads. Instead of physically attaching directly into each unit with electrically conducting wires or plugs, static energy is sent through the air to power and charge up batteries.

Wireless electricity technology, or “Witricity,” was developed by a team of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007. However, being able to transmit electricity through the air is not new technology. It was actually a scientific concept introduced by inventor and electrical engineer, Nikola Tesla, in the early twentieth century. Wireless charger capability is now made more possible due to practical applications of this science, recent developments and the demand for it by consumers.

Due to the influx of other wireless technologies specifically for consumers who wish hands-free operation of electronic or mobile devices, the wireless charger is becoming available for use by all. Companies that carry mobile devices now also offer universal charger units that employ the wireless charger technology. For many consumers, this increases access to fully charged cell phones, personal data accessories and gaming equipment.

It is important to note that all wireless chargers do not power all devices equally effectively. With wireless electricity technology still in its new phases, some electronics devices will not accept the charge produced by wireless chargers, despite being called universal. In some cases, wireless chargers will cause consumers to update their existing handheld devices or buy adapters capable of transmitting the electrical energy wirelessly to some devices.

A wireless charger system can be purchased for regular consumer use at most electronic device retailers. Because the wireless charger uses less electricity to charge multiple devices, it is a convenient way of handling the power needs for a variety of consumer electronics. In the future, wireless chargers may be used to power laptops, computer networks, and even transmit electricity without cables and wires to vehicles, homes and businesses.