What is a Zero Energy Home?

The zero energy home is a revolutionary technology that aims to create homes that produce as much energy as they consume. The main idea is to cut energy consumption in the home by at least 50 to 70%. To do this, the zero energy home utilizes solar panels and a low-power appliances.
There are a number of different techniques used by the zero energy home in order to cut power consumption. Spectrally selective windows block solar heat in the summer and retain indoor heat in cold weather. A tankless, gas-powered water heater will save energy by only warming the water when the tap is turned on.

The implementation of fluorescent bulbs throughout the zero energy home uses only two thirds of the power of normal bulbs. Solar units in the zero energy home account for a huge chunk of the energy savings. The solar panels are set flush with roof tiles and use two-kilowatt photovoltaic panels. With the help of an inverter in the garage, they unobtrusively turn the sun’s rays into AC power. A display gives the system’s electrical output.

The solar power from these panels doesn’t just feed the zero energy home; it also serves it. If the panels generate more power than the home can use, the excess flows into the utility’s power grid. If the home supplies more energy in a month than it uses, then the bill for that month is zero. The monthly utility bill for a zero energy home is calculated by subtracting the amount of kilowatts the home itself has supplied from the amount of power that the home used from the power grid. It is usually over 50% less than traditional energy bills, and can go down to zero.

The addition of features to convert your residence into a zero energy home can add up to 25,000 US dollars (USD) to the value of your house. There are special rebates and tax breaks available, especially in California, where these homes are becoming more popular. Zero energy homeowners say that the features pay for themselves in around 12 years.

Cutting energy cost is the main aim of these homes. By 2020, the Department of Energy plans to have cut energy costs to zero by building homes that will use around 70% less energy. With global warming and fuel shortages occurring around the world, solar technology may become a necessity rather than a wishful idea.