What is Aeronautical Science?

The term “aeronautical science” refers to the various sciences involved in the design and operation of aircraft. The term “aeronautical” literally means “air navigation.” Aeronautical science is distinct from astronautical science, which is concerned with spacecraft, and is descended from nautical science, the science of seagoing vessels. Aeronautical vehicles, with a few exceptions, are only designed to travel through the Earth’s atmosphere. Aeronautical devices can include gliders, blimps, hot-air balloons, and even kites, though airplanes are the most common.

For centuries, scientists have studied the principles of aeronautics. In the 1500s, Leonardo da Vinci famously designed flying machines, but aeronautical science was so poorly understood at the time, even by da Vinci, that the craft were unable to fly. The principles of weight, drag, lift, and thrust were only identified in the 1800s by British scientist Sir George Cayley; the first two must be overcome by the latter two for an aircraft to gain elevation. In the mid-nineteenth century, Cayley built and tested the first gliders, which had designs similar to modern airplanes.

Aeronautical pioneers, on the other hand, experimented with lighter-than-air devices to achieve human flight much earlier. Certain gases, including air itself when heated, are lighter than air and will naturally rise in the atmosphere, according to these scientists. If a sufficient amount of such gas is contained, it has the ability to lift objects and even people.

With their famous hot-air balloon flight in 1783, France’s Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne, demonstrated this. This flight was 70 years before Cayley’s experiments and more than a century before the Wright brothers’ airplane. Jean-Pierre Blanchard added a propeller to a balloon the following year, effectively creating the first airship, or blimp.

Aeronautical science advanced rapidly in the century following the Wright brothers’ 1903 flight, as aircraft were adapted for use in warfare, commerce, transportation, and sport. These demanding applications necessitated advancements in safety, navigation, engineering, and materials. Electronics, aerodynamics, metallurgy, and calculus were among the sciences that aeronautical scientists had to master quickly. Even the most basic aircraft require specialized equipment and personnel with advanced training in today’s world.

The commercial aircraft industry, which generates more than $400 billion in revenue annually, is built on aeronautical science. Its principles also influenced the development of space exploration; the two sciences are referred to as aerospace engineering when taken together. Aeronautics advances are frequently used in everyday life, including such commonplace items as juice boxes and Velcro® shoe fasteners. Aeronautics thus has an impact on many aspects of human life, from modern conveniences to space exploration.