What Is an Academic Essay?

An academic essay is a piece of writing that answers a question or solves a problem in a subject like science or literature. It is usually written as part of completing a degree or qualification, and it follows a standard tone and purpose. Academic essays are formal pieces of writing that usually take the form of an argument, with a brief introduction, a series of points that answer the question and form a logical argument, and a conclusion that ties the work together. Academic essays also use sources, such as books, journals, and the Internet; these references must generally be listed at the bottom of the essay in accordance with a relevant referencing style.

An academic essay is typically formal in tone and aims to answer a specific question or argue a specific point using academic ideas and works. The essay should be clear, with good grammar and concise explanations, as it is a formal piece of writing. Informal writing, for example, would include a more casual style that begins sentences with the words “and” or “but.” Furthermore, each section of an academic essay should serve a specific purpose, either addressing the question posed at the outset or supporting a point that does so.

In an academic essay, each paragraph should flow smoothly into the next and contribute to the formation of an argument. For example, one paragraph might make a declarative statement, and the next might explain why and how that statement came to be. The argument should be built up in each paragraph.

References and citations are another important aspect of an academic essay. Academic essays are meant to convey authority on a topic, and this is made easier when the writer includes background research to back up his claims. Quoting well-known academics lends credibility to a claim. Each point made in the paragraphs should ideally be supported evidence from research. The sources used for research are usually footnoted at the bottom of each page or listed in a references section at the end of the essay in academic essays.