What is an Aluminum Fishing Boat?

An aluminum fishing boat is a boat made of aluminum used specifically for fishing. Many aluminum fishing boats are considered low-end, entry-level models. However, there are some aluminum fishing boats that are quite advanced and come with a number of different features. Like nearly any product, it starts at a certain price and can be nearly as expensive as you would like to make it.

For those looking for a boat to simply get out on the water, an aluminum fishing boat may be one of the better options. Most are able to accept a small motor, perhaps 5 horsepower or a little larger, and can cover a good distance both in lakes and rivers. Many times, a usable aluminum boat can be found for approximately $300 US Dollars. It should be noted that aluminum boats are mainly used for fresh water.

While an aluminum fishing boat often holds up very well in salt water, they are not truly made to be ocean-going vessels. They are not as stable as boats specifically for salt water and run a slightly greater risk of capsizing. Therefore, many who use aluminum boats in salt water stick to bays and lagoons away from the main ocean, where the water stays a little calmer. Also, a manufacturer of aluminum boats may refuse to honor the full warranty if it is used in salt water. However, many aluminum boat owners report no corrosion problems at all with salt water use, as long as the boat is washed down after each use and maintained properly.

Most aluminum boats are known for their semi-V or flat bottom design. Those with a flat bottoms are also called johnboat. Generally, these boats are made specifically for fishing in very shallow water, or at least being able to get through shallow water to find good fishing spots. Thus, they are often favored by bass fisherman, who often search for the gamefish in shallower waters.

Some johnboats are wood, but an aluminum boat offers a number of advantages, the main one being weight. A wooden boat weighs significantly more than an aluminum boat of the same size. This will also affect speed in the water as well as fuel economy when using a motor.

While most aluminum boats do not come with many features, such as an elevated fishing platform or livewell, many companies do offer these options. Some can even be retrofitted to existing boats. The cost of doing these types of improvements varies.