What is an Ammeter?

Ammeters are a type of electronic measuring instrument that are used to evaluate the flow of electric current in a particular circuit. Essentially, one will measure the flow of current in terms of amperes. Various designs allow the device to be used in measuring the amount and rate of current in both small and large electrical devices.
Sometimes referred to as an ampmeter, the ammeter can be used in a number of different fields. The device is handy for measuring the flow of current through the wiring systems of new buildings, ensuring it is up to acceptable local safety codes. Companies that manufacture electrical equipment of just about any kind will make use of this device in testing the products before offering them for sale. Electricians will often make use of one to spot problems with wiring systems in older buildings. In general, the ammeter can be used in just about any situation where it is possible to tap into a circuit and execute a measurement.

One of the first working ammeters is understood to be the D’Arsonval galvanometer. This form employs the process of magnetic deflection in order to measure the flow of amperes through a given circuit. Constructed with a moving coil design, the device could be attached to a circuit, and as the flow of current into the device takes place, the coil begins to shift within the magnetic field. The degree of shift and movement that the coil undergoes helps to determine the flow of the current.

An ammeter can be configured to measure direct current or alternating current, and there are examples of ones that are capable of measuring both types. In all designs, however, it is important to remember that the device tends to have a relatively low point of resistance. That is, if it is connected to an incompatible source, there is the chance that the device will malfunction, and possible even short circuit. Along with the short circuit, the action could cause permanent damage to the ammeter, as well as present a health hazard for the individual operating the device. For these reasons, it is advised to only allow qualified personnel to operate this tool.