An aquatint is a type of etching that produces a unique range of tones that resembles a watercolor painting. Aquatints were first developed in the 1600s, and they were very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Francisco Goya, a well-known Spanish engraver known for his ability to create delicate, detailed, nuanced aquatints, was one of the most notable aquatint producers.
Aquatint is derived from the Latin words aqua, which means “water,” and tinta, which means “dyed.” Although there are a variety of techniques that can be used to create an assortment of styles, the finely detailed, flowing nature of a well-made aquatint does indeed resemble a fine watercolor. Aquatints, unlike etchings and engravings, are made up of very finely grained tones rather than lines.
An artist creates an aquatint by covering a plate in a granular substance known as a ground, which gives the finished product its speckled appearance. Then, before dipping the plate in acid to establish a baseline pale tone, he or she “stops out” any sections of the plate that will be white. The artist gradually stops out more and more of the plate and dips it in acid, creating layers of shaded regions that vary in length depending on how long each region was exposed to acid.
The artist can use the plate to print as many aquatints as he or she wants after it is created. Aquatints have traditionally been made with black ink, but other colors can be used, and some artists hand-ink their plates to create split fountains of multiple colors. After use, the plate can be rubbed with oil and wrapped to prevent corrosion and reused another day, or the artist can choose to destroy the plate, resulting in limited edition prints.
Aquatint techniques can be used by artists at any stage of their careers to create a wide range of looks and styles. For example, a high level of detail can be used to create aquatints that resemble photographs, or artists can use larger grained grounds to create a splotchy, blocky effect. For artists who want to combine multiple styles in a single piece, aquatinting can be combined with other etching techniques.
Aquatinting is taught in many art schools, and those interested in learning the technique can also study it at art centers and community studios. Because aquatinting involves the use of chemicals, including acid, it is recommended that one seeks instruction before going it alone to ensure that the technique and necessary safety precautions are fully understood.