What is an Attache Case?

Long before the advent of the laptop computer bag, many professionals carried an attache case. Often referred to as a briefcase, it provided both a practical and attractive means of carrying important paperwork from one location to another. Everyone from traveling salespeople to attorneys and corporate executives all the way through to high school teachers and college professors used this type of case. Essentially, any profession that may require dealing with paperwork in various venues could benefit from using an attache case.

Traditionally, an attache case is rectangular in shape, includes locks to secure the contents of the case, and features a handle that makes it easy for the owner to carry the case from one location to another. The interior usually includes an open main section, with one to three pockets or pouches that are ideal for storing of files and folders. In many versions, there are also small pockets that provide space for business cards, pens, and a small notepad.

Today, the attache case continues to provide all those functions. In addition, it often includes storage for a laptop computer, palmtop printer, handheld devices, and other related tools. This sort of case is generally considered to be more professional in appearance than a simple computer bag. From a practical perspective, it also provides better protection for the electronic equipment than the standard soft side computer bag, as well as keeping paperwork and the traditional essentials organized and in place.

In many instances, one made of leather is considered the most sleek and professional looking of all briefcases. With sturdy construction, the leather case provides excellent security, ample storage, and remains the gold standard for setting a polished and professional appearance in the workplace.

Other materials can also be used for the attache case. Canvas and simulated leather coverings over the standard hard side construction work very well in work situations that may call for a more relaxed look, while still providing plenty of storage and protection for the contents. Good quality cases can be purchased at many office supply stores, as well as establishments that sell fine luggage. While it can be an expensive investment, obtaining a high quality case will ensure eight to ten years of continuous use, rather than requiring the owner to purchase a new one every couple of years.