What is an Epoxy Concrete Sealer?

An epoxy concrete sealer is similar to a polyurethane coating that gives cement and concrete a hard, durable finish that is hard to chip or crack. There are various different types of epoxy sealers, and they are all applied differently, but the majority of them are designed to mix two separate chemicals together and then be rolled onto a floor surface. These sealers are available in a clear finish, or they can be pigmented to add color, so any type of application can be matched. The only bad aspects of using an epoxy sealer is that they can turn a yellowish color after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, and they are not extremely resistant to moisture. This makes the epoxy concrete sealer more suited for indoor applications, such as covered pools and concrete style countertops.

Cracks and chipping can be a serious problem when it comes to floors or other surfaces that have been built with cement or concrete. A basic epoxy concrete sealer prevents this from happening as long as the area is maintained and the sealant is reapplied according to the specific type and brand being used. The film that is made is very durable, and since it is so hard, it makes the coating very resistant to cracks and chips. Normal wear and tear due to usage will not cause any marks upon the surface, and the bright, glass-like sheen will remain as long as the surface does not have to contend with over abusive actions, such as a pounding from a hammer or screwdriver.

The various colors that can be applied by using an epoxy concrete sealer allows the applicator to match any type of design or need. The majority of applications are clear to help maintain the original look of the concrete or cement, but the choice of colors allows for a blending of colors and textures within a specific area. When mixing the two separate chemicals together to form the epoxy sealant, the color pigment is simply added and mixed in. This allows for any color variation, as well as various texture appearances within the final coating.

The limitations that apply to an epoxy concrete sealer are that they cannot be in direct sun and can never be installed where moisture problems are present. The ultraviolet rays from the sun will cause the film to turn a light yellowish color, and moisture will work its way underneath the coating, causing bubbles within it. These factors limit the uses of these sealants to indoor applications, and areas where constant moisture is absent. The most common uses for an epoxy sealer are on indoor floors and on concrete or cement countertops.