What is an Erhu?

An erhu is a Chinese stringed instrument that can be played solo, in an orchestra, or as a backing instrument for singers. Because it is so widely used, the erhu’s thin, slightly reedy sound is strongly associated with Chinese music in the minds of Westerners. Because the erhu’s sound is so distinct, it can usually be distinguished from other musical instruments once one learns to recognize it. Erhus, as well as their accessories, can be found in stores that specialize in Chinese instruments.

The erhu is made up of several major components. The first is a small resonating chamber with snake skin covering. The resonating chamber is connected to a long, straight handle on the other end, which may be curved or ornamented. Two strings run down this handle to the resonating chamber, with oversized tuning pegs at the top.

Traditionally, an erhu is played with a bow. The bow is frequently threaded between the strings of the instrument and the handle, and the bow’s strings are threaded between the strings of the instrument and the handle. As a result, rather than pulling the bow in front of the strings as with a Western violin, the player pulls the bow against the back of the strings. Erhus tuning varies, but the instruments typically span three octaves.

The erhu has a long and illustrious history. Erhus is thought to have first appeared during the Tang Dynasty, around 600 AD. The erhu has probably changed little over the centuries, as the traditional Chinese character for “erhu” indicates that it has two strings. The erhu is also known as the huqin or hu, and it is sometimes referred to as a “Chinese violin” Westerners.

An erhu, when played a skilled player, can be both haunting and beautiful. It has been used in China for centuries to accompany traditional song and dance performances. Erhus have also made appearances in Chinese orchestras, owing to arrangements written in the early twentieth century that feature the erhu.

Because some musical teachers consider the erhu to be obscure, it can be difficult to find someone to teach it in the West. It might be possible to find a willing teacher in a large city with a large Asian population. Otherwise, people interested in learning to play the erhu should inquire at stores that sell the instrument or post notices seeking an erhu teacher on Craigslist.