What Is an Image Processing Database?

An image processing database is a database full of images and image processing algorithms that are used by researchers to discover and test new processing methods. There are many different image types — with blurry, grainy, high-resolution, smooth and textured finishes, among others — so the database must include a large variety of images. The image processing database will typically include algorithms and watermarks, so the user has examples of successful processing techniques that can be built upon. All the images are included in the database, so users can apply processing methods over the images in batches to measure the processing effects, which is much faster than processing the images in other programs. While the images can be used for research, most image processing databases have restrictions on how else the images can be used.

There are many different types of images and photos and, if a business is developing a new image processing method or a new watermark system, then it has to apply the method or watermark to many different images during testing. For example, if an online photo distribution website sells images, then it places a watermark over the image so buyers can see the image, and the watermark will only be removed after purchase. If the watermark is not tested, it may interfere with some images, or it may not show up on others. For accurate test results, the image processing database must come loaded with many different image types.

Along with providing researchers with a lot of images to work with, an image processing database also helps in applying the image processing. All the images are in a database, so the changes or watermark can normally be applied in batches to the images. This is much faster than most photo software, which can normally apply changes to one image at a time.

Most image processing databases will come with algorithms or watermarks loaded into the database. These algorithms and watermarks can be used, but typically they are added so users get a good idea of what a successful test will yield. Much like the images, there may be restrictions on using these outside tests.

The contents of an image processing database can be tested without restriction, but there are normally restrictions on how else the images may be used. For example, there are usually terms stating that images cannot be sold, even if they are altered. The images may sometimes be used for display purposes but will usually need a copyright sign and the creator’s name, and the images normally cannot be used for commercial purposes.