What Is an Ultrasound Face Lift?

An ultrasound face lift is a a non-surgical procedure that uses ultrasound or sound wave technology to stimulate the body into producing collagen. This process can help firm sagging skin and has relatively few side effects. Instead of surgical instruments doing the procedure, the ultrasonic device does it. When more collagen is produced, the complexion takes on a fresher, younger appearance. The ultrasound face lift also tightens loose skin in the neck area, as well as around the jaw area.

The ultrasound face lift takes approximately one hour to complete, however, full results may not be noticed for three months. The results of the ultrasound face lift can last for up to ten years, and works best on people between the ages of 35 and 55 years old. Patients undergoing this procedure sometimes notice a slight tingling sensation, but no other effects are usually encountered.

As with any cosmetic procedure, the ultrasound face lift is generally not covered under medical insurance and can be expensive. Price, however, is irrelevant to some patients as having the procedure done without scalpels and the need for a lengthy recovery period is appealing to them. A traditional face lift can cause complications from anesthesia and cause significant swelling and bruising. Infection is also a risk with a traditional face lift because incisions are involved.

Unlike a traditional face lift, the ultrasound face lift does not need to be performed in a hospital or outpatient setting, nor is any type of anesthesia needed. Although the ultrasound face lift can dramatically improve the look of loose, sagging skin, it is not to be considered a substitute for a traditional face lift in cases where skin looseness is extensive. Though most patients do not require pain medication following the procedure, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain reliever may be taken if the patient experiences discomfort.

There are no known dangers to using ultrasound technology. Since ultrasound only involves the use of sound waves, and not ionizing radiation in the way that traditional x-rays do, it is considered safe for everyone, including infants. Therefore, there are few contraindications of the ultrasound face lift, however, the procedure is new and not performed by all cosmetic surgeons. The physician who performs this procedure needs to undergo special training and the ultrasonic device used for the procedure is not available at all cosmetic surgeons’ offices.