What is Antibiotic Sensitivity?

Antibiotic Sensitivity:

A Comprehensive Guide

Antibiotic sensitivity, also known as antibiotic susceptibility, is a crucial aspect of determining the effectiveness of antibiotics in treating bacterial infections. It refers to the ability of an antibiotic to inhibit the growth of bacteria or to kill them entirely. In this detailed guide, we will explore the concept of antibiotic sensitivity, its importance in clinical practice, how it is determined, factors influencing sensitivity, interpretation of results, and its significance in optimizing antibiotic therapy.

Understanding Antibiotic Sensitivity:

In order to fully comprehend antibiotic sensitivity, it is essential to grasp the basic principles of antibiotics and their mechanism of action against bacteria. Antibiotics are natural or synthetic substances that have the ability to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, either targeting specific components of the bacterial cell or interfering with vital biochemical processes.

However, not all antibiotics are effective against all bacteria. Antibiotic sensitivity testing allows clinicians to identify the most appropriate antibiotic(s) for a particular infection assessing the ability of various antibiotics to kill or inhibit the growth of the bacteria causing the infection.

Determining Antibiotic Sensitivity:

To determine antibiotic sensitivity, the standardized method employed in most clinical laboratories is the disk diffusion method, also known as the Kirby-Bauer test. In this test, paper disks impregnated with specific concentrations of antibiotics are placed on an agar plate inoculated with the bacteria being tested. The antibiotics diffuse from the disks into the surrounding agar, creating a concentration gradient. The degree of bacterial growth inhibition around each disk is measured as a zone of inhibition, which indicates the susceptibility of the bacteria to the antibiotic.

Interpreting the Results:

The interpretation of antibiotic sensitivity results is based on established guidelines provided organizations such as the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) or the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). These guidelines categorize the results into three main categories:

susceptible, intermediate, and resistant.


Bacteria showing susceptibility to an antibiotic are killed or inhibited concentrations that can be achieved using standard recommended doses. These antibiotics are considered effective in treating the infection caused the tested bacteria.


Intermediate susceptibility indicates that the antibiotic may have limited efficacy at standard doses or may require a higher concentration to achieve the desired effect. In such cases, the decision to use the antibiotic depends on various factors such as the severity of the infection and the availability of alternative treatment options.


Bacteria demonstrating resistance to an antibiotic are not inhibited concentrations that can be achieved even with high doses. These antibiotics are ineffective in treating the infection caused the tested bacteria.

Factors Influencing Antibiotic Sensitivity:

Several factors can influence the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. Intrinsic factors include the inherent characteristics of the bacteria, such as its genetic makeup, membrane permeability, and efflux pump activity. Acquired resistance mechanisms, on the other hand, include genetic changes acquired through mutation or the acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria via horizontal gene transfer.

Another important factor is the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the antibiotic. This refers to how the drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted the body, as well as its interaction with the target bacteria. The concentration of the antibiotic achieved at the site of infection plays a critical role in determining its efficacy.

Moreover, the timing of antibiotic administration is crucial. Bacteria exhibit different growth phases, including the logarithmic phase in which they are most susceptible to antibiotics. Administering antibiotics during this phase can enhance their effectiveness.

Significance in Optimizing Antibiotic Therapy:

Appropriate antibiotic therapy is essential in treating bacterial infections and minimizing the development of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic sensitivity testing helps guide clinicians in selecting the most appropriate antibiotic(s) for treating a specific infection. This approach improves patient outcomes maximizing the chances of bacterial eradication and reducing the likelihood of treatment failure or relapse.

Furthermore, antibiotic sensitivity testing plays a vital role in antimicrobial stewardship programs. These programs aim to promote the judicious use of antibiotics to optimize treatment outcomes, minimize adverse effects, and combat the rising threat of antibiotic resistance. By tailoring therapy to the specific susceptibility patterns of bacteria, unnecessary broad-spectrum antibiotic use can be avoided, leading to a more targeted and effective approach.

Antibiotic sensitivity testing is a vital tool in the management of bacterial infections. It enables clinicians to select the most effective antibiotic(s) based on the susceptibility patterns of the bacteria causing the infection. Understanding the principles of antibiotic sensitivity, interpreting the results, and considering influencing factors are crucial to optimize antibiotic therapy and combat the growing challenge of antibiotic resistance. By harnessing this knowledge, healthcare professionals can make more informed decisions for the benefit of their patients and public health as a whole.