What is Art?

It is extremely difficult to give a precise definition of art in today’s society. It’s come to mean a lot of things to a lot of people. What one person considers art may not be so to another. Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Fine arts, painting, and craftwork make up the majority of what is taught in art schools. Students are encouraged to be creative in their work and to contribute something new and unique to the field. When it comes to defining the concept of art, some people struggle with this type of originality.

Every artist aspires to be unique, to come up with something never seen before. Some people are perplexed this uniqueness. Some people didn’t understand Jackson Pollock’s abstract paintings when he first showed them to the world, and many still don’t.

Some artists attempt to portray their personal lives through their work. Tracey Emin, a British artist, is known for including personal details in her work. Her unmade bed and bedroom surroundings were on display for all to see as one of her art pieces. Some people dismissed this work of art as nothing more than the artist’s bed.

It’s simply a matter of perception for some people who don’t understand some modern art. They may be perplexed new works because they have nothing to compare them to. What can you compare them to since they are brand new and have never been seen before? This is what causes some perplexity in original artworks, just as it did when Jackson Pollock’s abstracts were first exhibited.

Art can come in a variety of forms. Sculptures, paintings, films in the cinema, writing, and the human body are all examples of art. The cost of these items may not be proportional to the amount of effort that has gone into them, but rather to the uniqueness that they offer.

To elicit a response, provocative, daring, and shocking artworks are sometimes created. Although each person’s reaction may differ, the main goal of such art is to encourage people to talk and think. The first person to see Tracey Emin’s bed may have despised it, but he or she may have talked about it for the rest of the day. This could simply be because the person didn’t understand the concept because he or she didn’t have anything to compare it to.

Artists are typically people who try to persuade others to see things in a new light or to communicate a different point of view. Many artists’ works have been banned and destroyed governments throughout history for precisely this reason.