What Is Cabbage Juice?

Cabbage juice is the liquid that exists in and is often extracted from cabbage. Vegetable health juices are usually consumed because of their high vitamin content, as well as other health benefits commonly associated with juicing. Cabbage juice can be extracted from red, green or white cabbage varieties.

High vitamin content in this cruciferous vegetable makes cabbage juice excellent for help in maintaining good health. Specifically, it is high in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and K. Cabbage juice is also high in magnesium and calcium, and is considered to be a good source of folate, protein and manganese. Juicing cabbage is also touted by health enthusiasts as a good source of dietary fiber.

While cabbage juices can contribute to a healthy diet, some people use juicing to also target specific ailments. In particular, juicing cabbage is believed by many to be effective in treating stomach ailments, including stomach ulcers, and in helping to lower high cholesterol levels. Studies have also indicated that juice extracted from cabbage has strong antibacterial properties. High in antioxidants, cabbage juice is also believed to be effective in detoxifying the blood and helping to protect healthy cells from cancerous ones, which may also serve to prevent cancerous cells from spreading throughout the body.

Many prefer to make their own juice at home. Such is accomplished by passing fruits and vegetables through either a masticating or a centrifugal juicing machine. Each appliance works to extract the juice from whatever is placed in the machine while the majority of the pulp is either thrown away or may be used as an ingredient in other cooking recipes.

It is not unusual for the juice from cabbage to be combined with other vegetables to make consumption more flavorful. For instance, a person may add tomato juice or carrot juice to the cabbage juice. Such is not believed to interrupt the original vitamin content obtained from cabbage, but actually enhances the amount of vitamins contained in a health juice.

Those who do not make their own cabbage juice may purchase it from a health store or retailer specializing in creating fruit and vegetable juices. Often, such juices are enhanced with other healthy properties such as additional protein or minerals. Cabbage juice is also sometimes used in other food products, such as yogurt and certain vegetable juice mixes.