What is Camping Gas?

Camping gas is bottled gas that can be used for many activities associated with the experience of camping or outdoor cooking. Containing gas that has been pressurized and liquefied, the cylinder or bottle usually fits onto different types of devices and provides the energy source for a given function. It may be used to cook or to create a source of heat during a camping trip.

There are several different types of camping gas that are in common use. Butane, propane and a white gas such as clear kerosene are often used to fuel camping stoves as well as small heaters that are ideal for use in tents or other small camping enclosures. Increasingly, butane gas is becoming the gas of choice for people who enjoy camping out regularly, due to its clean properties.

The bottles for the camping gas are normally manufactured to meet strict requirements for containers that are intended to hold gaseous substances. Many bottles will be made of either stainless steel, aluminum, or carbon steel. Some brands offer bottles that are made of composites of two or more of materials. While some of the containers are meant for a one-time use before being turned in for recycling, other types are configured to allow the camper to have the container reloaded at an authorized dealer.

Camping gas may be housed in containers that are constructed for use with specific devices. For example, many camping heaters will require a specific style and shape of gas cylinder in order to work properly. Generally, manufacturers of heaters and stoves for camping use will recommend specific brands of products that are considered compatible. Other manufacturers will offer their own line of camping gas bottles that are designed to work with their camping products.