What is Cayenne Pepper Juice?

Several different cleansing drinks are available for purchase to help detoxify the body. Cayenne pepper juice is an inexpensive cleansing product that can be purchased or mixed at home. Cayenne pepper lemon drink consists of fresh lemon juice, filtered water, real maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

Some drinkers of cayenne pepper juice like to mix it with a laxative tea for further cleansing benefits. Most people who drink the elixir believe the pepper to be enough of a cleansing agent on its own. A small sprinkling of cayenne can be added when first beginning a lemon juice and cayenne pepper cleanse. Later, as toleration levels build, more pepper can be added to the drink.

In addition to being used on its own as a detoxifying agent, the juice is used in several different diet plans. The Master Cleanse, which includes both cayenne pepper juice and a salt water flush, uses the juice as a cleansing agent. The Lemonade Diet includes the juice as a weight loss aid.

While no studies prove the theory, many people believe that cayenne pepper juice helps burn body fat. Many celebrities have vouched for this theory, though there is little science behind it. Some studies have shown, however, that the beverage may help equalize the metabolism, and serve as a tonic for many ailments. Its uses include treating digestive problems, circulatory issues, diarrhea, arthritis, and colds.

To make cayenne pepper juice, half of a lemon is needed. A lime can be used as well. The lemon should be squeezed to express as much juice as possible, amounting to at least two tablespoons (30 milliliters). Bottled, canned, and frozen lemon juice is not recommended; fresh lemon will yield the best results. A small pinch of cayenne pepper can be used to start.

Two tablespoons (30 milliliters) of maple syrup is also required. This should preferably be organic, dark Grade B syrup for optimal results. Purists believe that any other syrup will simply add toxins into the body rather than eliminate them. All of these ingredients should be added to 10 to 14 ounces (300 to 500 milliliters) of filtered water.

The water should be slightly warmer than room temperature. The mixture can be stirred or shaken before drinking, as long as it is well mixed. The drink should be mixed immediately before serving to ensure the maximum benefits.

Cayenne pepper lemon juice drinks should not be consumed following a vigorous workout or strenuous activity. Doing so can result in a stomachache or cramps. Children and women who are pregnant and nursing should refrain from participating in a lemon juice and cayenne pepper detox. Consulting a physician before doing this or any type of cleanse is recommended.