What is Cedar Siding?

Cedar is a coniferous tree native to the Mediterranean that produces evergreen leaves resembling pine needles. However, due to successful cultivation, the habitat range of cedar now extends to New Zealand, Australia, Western Europe, and the warmer regions of North America. Aside from being valued as an ornamental, the distinctively scented wood of the tree has been put to numerous practical purposes for centuries. Today, a popular use of the wood is to manufacture cedar siding, which is considered by many home construction professionals to be of superior quality compared to vinyl or aluminum siding.

To understand the benefits of cedar siding, it’s helpful to explore the historical significance of the wood’s use as a natural preservative. For one thing, it is highly durable and resistant to decay from moisture or insects, making it particularly suitable to use to construct closets and chests to store clothing. King Solomon apparently appreciated these qualities too since he chose cedar to build the first temple of Jerusalem. The native tribes of North America used cedar wood to make totem poles, canoes, and sweat lodges, while the bark provided roofing material. In fact, the Native Americans used cedar so extensively that they dubbed it the Tree of Life.

Today, cedar is used abundantly in the home construction industry, as well as in commercial building. Due to the rich amber hue and even texture of the wood grain, cedar siding imparts a warm, inviting look to any structure. It also offers a seamless integration with any style or design. In fact, while cedar siding is very popular to use when building new homes of contemporary design, it is also used to enhance the intricate features of Victorian architecture.

The natural pigmentation of cedar holds up well on its own with a simple finishing stain. However, the wood contains so little resin that it readily takes on other types of finishes, including paint. In addition, cedar contains a high concentration of thujaplicins, tropolone compounds that are responsible for giving the wood its characteristic aroma. These compounds are also poisonous to unwanted intruders, such as fungi and wood-eating insects. This feature alone is what makes cedar siding more durable and cost-effective than other materials.

Cedar siding is also considered to be an environmentally friendly material. First, most of the tree is harvested and any debris left behind is reclaimed by nature. It is also a renewable source. In addition, cedar is completely biodegradable, unlike aluminum, vinyl, or many other materials. However, cedar trees dating to the mid-1800s that bear markings suspected of being made by aboriginal peoples are designated as “culturally modified.” These trees, as well as the land they reside on, are preserved under the Heritage Conservation Act for future generations to enjoy.