What is Considered Excessive Fatigue?

Excessive fatigue is an abnormal level of tiredness. It is normal for a person to feel tired from time to time, especially at the end of a hard day’s work, but some people feel tired most of the time. For example, a person with excessive fatigue may feel tired when he wakes up in the morning and deal with fatigue throughout his day; he may also feel unable to muster the energy for everyday tasks as well as activities he usually enjoys. The causes can be numerous and varied. For example, a person may battle with extreme fatigue because of everything from depression and insomnia to kidney disease and fibromyalgia.

An individual who is excessively fatigued may feel exhausted bodily as well as mentally. For example, a person who is dealing with extreme fatigue may find keeping up with normal tasks difficult. He may have a difficult time handling such things as cooking and cleaning, and he may even feel too tired to perform personal care tasks. For example, simple tasks such as combing one’s hair and shaving may seem tiring when a person is dealing with excessive tiredness. Often, a person with this level of fatigue feels as if he is dragging through the day instead of being energetic for at least part of it.

In many cases, excessive fatigue makes it difficult for a person to participate in social activities. For example, a person who normally likes to be the center of attention may have trouble mustering the energy to attend a party if he is excessively fatigued. Likewise, a person dealing with this condition may not have the energy to play with his children or grandchildren as often as he would like.

Often, a person who is dealing with extreme fatigue notes not only a feeling of physical exhaustion, but also one of mental exhaustion. For example, his fatigue may interfere with his ability to concentrate on employment tasks or school work. He may also have difficulty making decisions or demonstrating enthusiasm.

There are many conditions that may cause excessive fatigue. An individual may suffer from it in relation to a sleep disorder, depression, chronic fatigue disorder, or disease that affects the immune system. Sometimes extreme fatigue may be a symptom of organ failure as well. Since this condition can be a symptom of a serious health condition, an individual may do well to seek a doctor’s advice if it persists.