What Is Corrective Concealer?

Corrective concealer is a type of cosmetic product designed to hide specific problem areas on the face. In general, corrective concealer refers to concealer that is actually made in different colors, such as yellow, green, or even purple. This is in contrast to regular skin-toned concealer that simply hides blemishes. The purpose of these corrective concealers is to “neutralize” the undesired colors on the face before applying foundation, because foundation applied by itself will not do a sufficient job of covering up these colors. For instance, dark bluish undereye circles can be better hidden if a yellow toned concealer is applied first, followed by the foundation to match the skin tone.

Not everyone needs to use corrective concealer; many people can simply get away with standard concealer on any reddish or problem areas. There are certain skin issues, though, that require a bit more effort to camouflage. People with rosacea, for example, may find that simple concealer or foundation does not cover up the redness; instead, a greenish tinted corrective concealer can help to neutralize the reddish color first, and set a smooth base on which to apply foundation. Other spots of redness on the face, such as particularly noticeable blemishes or birthmarks, can also be covered with a green tinted concealer.

A yellow tinted corrective concealer is fairly common for people with dark undereye circles, bluish veins on the face, or even bruising. Purple or lavender tinted corrective concealer is less common, but this can help to correct yellowish appearances on the skin. For instance, bruises can get a yellow appearance as they fade. Some people also simply have a yellower complexion than others, and the corrective concealer can help to make the skin tone appear a bit cooler and healthier, or even brighter and more attractive.

It is important to remember to always apply foundation after this type of concealer, however. If not, it really will look like an individual is wearing yellowish or green makeup in certain lights, which tends to defeat the purpose of wearing concealer in the first place. In addition, this is not a product designed to be applied all over the face, but simply in specific problem areas. It may be applied with the fingers or a makeup sponge, and blended as much as possible into the problem areas. Liquid or powder foundation may then be applied on top to complete the look and ensure that the makeup stays in place all day.