What is Cross Stitch Software?

Cross stitch software is a type of computer application which is used to design custom cross stitch, knitting, and even tapestry designs. This type of software may use photos, clip art, and even drawings in a complete and read-to-stitch pattern. These programs are used for residential projects as well as commercial products and can range from very expensive and advanced programs to simple and even free ones.

Residential-grade cross stitch software is typically used for simple designs and projects. These may be given as gifts, sold, or even made for personal enjoyment. The programs used for this are generally less memory-intensive, easier to use, and much less expensive than commercial software. Each brand and type of cross stitch software is able to handle different complexities in design, and each may have a slightly different interface. Most, however, are capable of turning simple computer graphics or pictures into counted or “graph” cross stitch designs.

Commercial cross stitch software may be more complex and costly than the residential variety, but the essential functions are the same. This type of software still converts pictures into graphed patterns, which may then be made into completed pieces of clothing, fabric, or anything worth selling. Many companies offer custom projects for individuals wishing to turn memorable moments or images into home décor or gifts.

Many crafters may use cross stitch software for their personal or commercial projects. Besides cross stitch, knitting, tapestry, and even embroidery projects can be created from the patterns used by this type of software. Any type of craft which requires a counted pattern can be made easier with the use of cross stitch software for visual reference. Most of these patterns are in color to make them easier to discern and even follow.

Beginning and advanced needle workers alike generally find it easier to turn a picture into a finished needlework project when it has been turned into a counted pattern first. These patterns eliminate the errors of miscounting and awkward sizing in a project. It is also very useful for most to see a preview of what their finished project should look like before the first stitch is even made. The functionality and options provided with many types of cross stitch software make it easy to quickly turn a picture into a pattern and customize its size, count, and even colors so the person stitching will end up with exactly what she desires.