What Is Cumin Tea?

Cumin is a seed that originated in Egypt, but soon became used by many people worldwide for its supposed health and medical benefits. The cumin oil found within the seed contains several components that are believed to be very beneficial, such as vitamins A, C and E. Cumin tea has a distinct taste and is made from fresh or dried cumin seeds seeped in boiling water. Many herbal remedy specialists recommend drinking cumin tea no more than twice a day.

Several of the supposed health benefits of cumin tea are based upon the various properties within the seed. It is generally agreed that cumin has antiseptic properties that greatly widen its medicinal usage. The vitamin C is also believed to be another reason cumin tea is beneficial to drink. It also contains antioxidant vitamins like vitamins A and E. Cumin is rich in iron, which furthers its benefits even more.

Many believe that cumin tea can help to cure a wide array of ailments. The antiseptic and antioxidant components of the tea is believed to be why it is beneficial in reducing fevers, curing common colds, and curing several respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma. Some people also note that cumin aids in detoxification of the liver and kidneys. The high iron content also makes it popular with many women during their menstrual cycles. Several midwives, especially those in Latin America, recommend drinking cumin tea to help pregnant women induce labor.

There are several other ways the tea is used for health purposes. Cumin tea is often drank with bits of ginger to soothe sore throats. Occasionally, the tea is applied topically, as some believe that it helps to clean and heal wounds. When drank or used topically, it is believed to help arthritis, though not much is known about this particular use. It is recommended, however, to seek professional medical advice with any ailment and before using cumin tea for its health benefits.

Most people describe the taste as having strong pepper and nut flavors with overtones of citrus. Despite the description, it is considered to be a bitter tea, so there are several different ways recommended to help ease the flavors. Some people place a small cube of raw potato in the tea, which serves to absorb the bitterness. Others simply mix honey or sugar to bring out the flavors while hiding the bitterness. A few add in a pinch of salt and dried coriander to accentuate the natural flavors of the tea.