What is Echinacea Tea?

Today there are many types of herbal teas. Many varieties of tea are known to produce multiple health benefits and include antioxidants. Echinacea tea is a tea that contains the Native American herb Echinacea. This herb is known to assist with colds, asthma, and other upper repository ailments.

Echinacea grows naturally in the United States. It is a colorful green-leaved plant with white or purple flowers. There are two primary species of the plant, which are angustifolia and purpurea versions. Echinacea is found most abundantly in the middle states of Texas, Kansas, and Alabama. Echinacea tea is created from the leaves, flowers, stems, and roots of the Echinacea plant.

Echinacea tea is typically considered an immune system herbal enhancement supplement. This tea stimulates the white blood cells, which supports the body in fighting infections and colds. It has also been shown to fight off viral and fungal infections.

Side effects are typically uncommon with Echinacea tea usage. Some individuals have reported allergic reactions that include rashes, breathing problems, and gastrointestinal issues. These side effects were atypical and are more prevalent with individuals who suffer from allergies to ragweed and daisies.

The Echinacea herb can be digested in multiple forms. It is available in powder, capsules, and as an herbal tea. The teas can be made organically by mixing dried organic Echinacea herbs with hot water and lemon juice. This provides the benefits of herbal tea without the drawbacks of artificial food coloring and sweeteners.

Echinacea tea is not typically considered a weight-loss tea. This tea has many health immune system benefits but does not contain the metabolism-booting effects found in green tea. Most dieting teas contain appetite-suppressant herbs that raise the heart rate and assist in reducing unwanted body fat. These herbs are not prevalent in most Echinacea teas.

Native Americans have been using the Echinacea herb for centuries. Many native tribes use the herb as a form of medicine. The primary use of Echinacea within native tribes is for snake bites and bacterial infections. While not typically used for colds and asthma it is used for the immune system boosting properties.

Echinacea has been shown to help with fighting multiple immune system disorders. These include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), type 1 diabetes and autoimmune disorder. This supplement is less effective when mixed with caffeine, smoking, and alcohol. Additionally, individuals using prescription medications should consult with a physician before beginning a Echinacea supplement program.