What is Emotional Fatigue Syndrome?

Emotional Fatigue Syndrome (EFS) is a mental condition that is recognized in various medical disciplines. The state typically renders an individual unable to enjoy any aspect of living and can progress to include physical manifestations of mental and emotional issues. While traditional or nuclear healthcare professionals do not all accept the concept of Emotional Fatigue Syndrome, practitioners of alternative medicine tend to affirm the condition as a valid medical concern.

There are a number of symptoms that are associated with EFS. Many of the symptoms are similar to those found in a number of mental health conditions. A person suffering from EFS may experience a constant state of anxiety, lose interest in hobbies and activities that formerly brought a great deal of joy, and worry a great deal about minor issues. In advanced situations, the individual may begin to experience panic attacks coupled with a high degree of sensitivity to sound, and a sense of total despair and helplessness. As the depression associated with Emotional Fatigue Syndrome increases, the individual may begin to experience muscle spasms and become unable to work or interact with other people.

Prolonged and intense periods of stress are generally understood to be the trigger that leads to Emotional Fatigue Syndrome. Stress is known to deplete a number of vital minerals and nutrients in the body. Over time, the extended and constant stress begins to exhaust the body’s resources, especially if the individual is not eating properly and getting at least a minimum amount of regular exercise. The combination of these factors leads to the inability of the body to fight off toxins, which in turn paves the way for the development of the various symptoms associated with EFS.

Because health care professionals do not universally affirm the status of Emotional Fatigue Syndrome, there is some difference of opinion on the proper treatment of the condition. Most methods involve a recovery program that includes diet, exercise, and proper nutrition. Walking, biking and exercise in the open air is often recommended. Replacing processed foods with a wide selection of raw and steamed fruits and vegetables is also considered helpful. Fresh juices and herbal fusions should replace coffee, tea, and sodas. Low fat and low carb eating habits will often help reverse the state of malnourishment and help the body to begin fighting off toxins in the system.

Nutritional supplements are also an important aspect of recovery. Vitamin C and B complex are considered essential to restoring emotional balance. Along with these two supplements, calcium, potassium, and magnesium should be taken daily.

One other important component of recovery from Emotional Fatigue Syndrome is counseling. In advanced cases, the counseling should be provided by a professional therapist. Counseling with a trusted and sympathetic clergyperson may also aid in bouncing back from the condition. At the same time, loved ones can also contribute to the recovery from EFS by providing emotional support to the sufferer who often feels worthless and unwanted.