What is Face Fungus?

Face fungus generally refers to a fungal infection on the face and can be caused by any number of fungi-related organisms. The most common areas for infection are around the edge of the scalp, along the jawline, and in the beard area for men. There are various fungi and pathogens which may result in a facial infection, and some are more prevalent in some areas of the world than in others.

There are various risk factors for developing face fungus-related infections. Those with pets may be at a higher risk, primarily if they are kept indoors. Animals worldwide are known to carry zoophilic dermatophytes, or various animal-related fungi, and can spread them to their owners when in close contact. People who live in urban areas are also more prone to face fungus than those in rural areas. This is primarily because fungi are spread through contact with infected persons or animals, and people are more likely to be in close proximity in cities.

Symptoms of face fungus can include scaling, redness, and pustules. Pustules are red areas of the skin that become raised or inflamed. They are often filled with pus, similar to pimples. These symptoms should be checked by a doctor to determine if face fungus is the cause for irritation. Those who exhibit symptoms are encouraged to avoid direct contact with others.

Face fungus can generally be treated by using an anti-fungal cream or gel. A doctor is usually required to prescribe this treatment after fungi have been detected. In some cases no testing will be done and treatment will be based on trial and error. In other cases, the treatment has to be done based on the type of fungi in question, primarily for people who are resistant to treatment.

In most patients, face fungus is not a serious condition, although it is typically uncomfortable for the person with the condition. Itching may occur, along with skin irritation that can cause burning or overall discomfort when touched. Creams may be available over the counter or by prescription to ease symptoms until the infection has subsided.

The best ways to prevent face fungus is to wash frequently, especially after being around people who exhibit possible symptoms of an infection. Skin to skin contact should be extremely limited. Facial items such as rags, towels, makeup applicators, and sponges should not be used by more than one person without them having been thoroughly cleaned beforehand. Even those who live in the same household should practice these habits if one has signs of infection.