What is Female Ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is a topic of dispute, though there are historical references of it that go back for millennia. As understood now, it is the sudden and heavy production or squirting of ejaculate matter that is different in its origin from the vaginal lubrication that occurs during types of sexual contact. Female ejaculate is said to arise from the paraurethral glands and it is sometimes merely dismissed as a release of urine. There are arguments on whether ejaculation is or is not truly urine, and some people strongly support that it is not based on limited testing. Another issue of particular debate is whether all women can experience it, and this matter is very unclear, with many claiming it’s impossible for any women to actually experience this, and others claiming all women can, or at least a few women do.

In the world of sexual knowledge, most people are accustomed to thinking of the ejaculation of men, which typically occurs at the point of orgasm. In women, orgasm isn’t necessarily tied to female ejaculation, and there isn’t a lot of evidence that it makes sex more pleasurable. Some women experiencing this are dismayed by an excess of fluid leaking from the vagina or they could assume they have lost bladder control and be embarrassed. There are some people who posit the idea that this form of ejaculation actually means achieving a higher level of pleasure or sexual intimacy, but so few legitimate studies exist on the matter, this claim must be considered questionable.

Often, female ejaculation is linked to manual stimulation of the g-spot, which can be accessed in the vagina, though it exists outside of it. The g-spot is actually the paraurethral glands, so in massaging or touching of these, which are under the vagina, it might stimulate a response of sudden production and expulsion of paraurethral fluid. Other women have reported they don’t require g-spot stimulation in order to experience female ejaculation, and may experience it during any type of sexual engagement. As with male ejaculation, the fluid produced can be a little messy, and people attempting to achieve ejaculation in the female may want to at minimum, cover surfaces like mattresses with towels.

Though knowledge about female ejaculation is still relatively limited, there are a few things that are generally agreed upon. First, if this occurs and is really not urine, not all women experience it and it’s possible that not all women can if the paraurethral glands are very small or minimal. Second, it’s unclear that this form of ejaculation somehow means sex is better or more intimate. For some couples, this may be a sign of extreme intimacy, while other couples do very well without it, fully enjoying their sexual lives. Those embarrassed by it might be able to avoid it with less stimulation of the g-spot, or could learn to celebrate an experience that is described by some as rare or even non-existent.