What is Fire Dancing?

Fire dancing is a form of art that incorporates burning objects into a dance or performance. It is a spectacular thing to see when done properly, and it is usually performed at night so that audience members can see the nuances of the performance. Dancers who are responsible take precautions to ensure their own safety, as well as the safety of others and the environment as a whole.

Fire has captivated humans for thousands of years; depending on the circumstances and level of control, it can kill, cook, warm, light, and amaze. Juggling, baton twirling, and gymnastics are all common comparisons for fire dancing, and it does incorporate movements from all of these disciplines. Fire dancing became an important part of celebrating major events in many native cultures, where dancers would perform with flammable items at major ceremonies and festivals. The stakes, however, are high: if a performer drops a baton or isn’t paying attention, serious injury can result.

There are many different types of fire dancing, but there are four main categories. The act of extinguishing fire in the mouth is known as fire eating, and it can be performed as part of a dance performance or as a stand-alone act. Many fire eaters dance while holding lit brands in their hands, and the show concludes with a daring fire eating display. Holding flammable fuel in one’s mouth and igniting it to create a flaming jet can be quite impressive, but it’s also quite dangerous. Dancers create swooping and swirling fire dances with chains with balls of flammable material at the ends of the chains. Because they can be manipulated much more slowly than poi, fire staves are a safer alternative for beginners.

Fire dancers must be extremely cautious. Most performance artists recommend that anyone interested in learning one of the fire-related dancing arts work with a professional and practice with unlit objects before adding fire to the mix. Many organizations all over the world provide training and referrals to professionals willing to take on apprentices. If you’re interested, you can look for a local fire dancing group using your favorite search engine.

A number of safety precautions should be taken while performing. Natural fibers, such as cotton, do not ignite as easily as synthetics, so fire dancers always wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing. Fire dancing equipment is usually obtained from a professional source and kept in excellent condition, and hand protection in the form of Kevlar® gloves is frequently used. Dancers must be aware of the audience and environment at all times, and the wicking and fuel area is kept separate from the performance and lighting area. Fire dancing should never be done alone, in the dry season, while inebriated, or without the presence of fire extinguishing equipment.