What Is Fynbos?

Fynbos is a type of vegetation characterized by small, thin shrubs and low-lying grasses. It is found only in a small region of South Africa along the western and southern portion of the cape. This area is known as the Fynbos biome due to the fact that this type of plant life occurs no where else on earth. The name of this biome is derived from a traditional African phrase that means “fine bushes.” While the appearance and growth patterns of fynbos species can vary dramatically, these plants share an ability to thrive in hostile conditions.

This particular biome is unable to support traditional plant life, and is a hostile environment for man. The small, shrub-like plants in this South African region do not produce useable timber for building. They are often seen as unattractive from a distance, though closer viewing may reveal flowers or other appealing features that make fynbos a common garden plant in some areas. Due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, this plant life is ill suited for grazing, and is of little use in agriculture.

Unlike many other types of vegetation, this plant family is capable of surviving in conditions that are fairly inhospitable. Much of the soil in the Fynbos biome is of extremely poor quality, with few nutrients to provide nourishment to the plants. The weather is very dry and windy throughout much of the year, and the plants are exposed to frequent sunlight.

Perhaps most impressive is the fact that these plants have learned to survive the frequent wildfires and brush fires that occur in the region. In fact, these plants have adapted to benefit from the fire, and depend on it for survival. Many fynbos varieties release seeds contained within a fire-resistant shell. The seeds lie dormant in the ground until a fire sweeps through and the heat of the flames causes the shell to fracture. As the existing plants are destroyed, the seeds begin to sprout, forming a new cover of vegetation.

Plants in the fynbos family can be categorized as one of four varieties. The most common are the ericoid, with more than 3,000 species featuring small, curled leaves. Proteoids are the tallest of the fynbos, and are known for their large leaves and brightly-colored blooms. Geophytes, including species of lily, orchid, and iris may bloom when conditions within the fynbos biome are warm and wet. Finally, the restoids make up various types of grasses, which are generally flowerless.