What is Garbology?

Garbology, a small niche of archaeology, is the scientific study of trash and the way it reflects upon the lifestyles of a group of people. The concept was first introduced to the world of academics in 1971 by Professor William Rathje of the University of Arizona, and the field has gained popularity in recent decades.
This field has provided the world with startling information relating to the amount of time it takes for refuse to biodegrade and the types of items that are sent to landfills. It has even produced revelations about popular culture in regard to presumed thoughts about the habits of certain groups, including different genders. The study of garbage may be as simple as dissecting the contents of a dumpster, or as involved as excavating a portion of a landfill. The discipline has also caught the eye of many law enforcement and government agencies, many of whom use the practice to help thwart crime by searching for evidence of illegal activity.

The term garbology often refers to the scientific aspect, but it may also be used as slang, labeling the work of waste management workers and trash collectors. It may also be applied to investigative journalists who use a person’s trash to gain more information for a story. Despite these two derivatives from the popular meaning of the word, the study of trash in academic settings remains strong. Many schools, recycling centers, and even several universities offer courses in the field to improve community awareness about the amount and type of garbage that a population might go through on a regular basis.

Additionally, garbology is not a science that centers strictly on modern cultures. Specialists in the field are often called to an archaeological site when a civilization has left behind nothing but their refuse. Garbage taken from historic sites may provide archaeologists with information about a time period that may not be available in any other way.