What is Herpetic Gingivostomatitis?

Herpetic gingivostomatitis is a series of lesions in the soft tissues of the mouth and around the lips which are caused by the herpes simplex virus type one, also known as HSV-I. This virus is related to the sexually transmitted version of the herpes virus, except that it is generally transmitted through contact with saliva from infected individuals. HSV-I cannot be cured, but usually after the first bout of herpetic gingivostomatitis, patients experience much more mild symptoms in the future.

This virus causes blisters to develop in the mouth. They can rupture and cause ulcerations. The patient usually runs a fever and the gums may become red and inflamed, sometimes bleeding occurs as a result of the inflammation. Herpetic gingivostomatitis is painful and the early signs of the infection in children can include restlessness, difficulty feeding, and crying. Once the lesions are present the patient may drool, be irritable, and have swollen lymph nodes.

Antiviral drugs can be prescribed during the first outbreak, but generally the recommended treatment is to focus on supportive care. This includes providing fluids to keep the patient hydrated and offering age appropriate antiinflammatory drugs to manage the inflammation. Children with active herpetic gingivostomatitis should also be reminded to wash their hands regularly and to avoid touching their eyes after touching their mouths, because this can spread the infection. Future outbreaks will usually be limited to one or two lesions which appear occasionally when the immune system is stressed, because the virus lurks inside the body.

Outbreaks of herpetic gingivostomatitis are usually seen in infants and toddlers. Children commonly become infected by sharing toys and space with children who have the virus, and it is a very common pediatric infection. A pediatrician can usually identify it with a quick visual examination. The infection is passed from person to person very easily, although encouraging children to exercise proper hygiene can reduce the spread of the virus.

The administration of drugs to numb the mouth is generally not recommended, because it can interfere with speaking and swallowing. If a child has extremely painful sores, a pediatrician may be able to provide some prescription medications to manage the pain. It is important to make sure that oral hygiene is observed, even if it is painful. Soothing mouthwashes can sometimes help to address the pain, itching, and irritation. Generally herpetic gingivostomatitis lasts around two weeks and providing the patient with as much supportive treatment as possible will help him or her heal quickly.