What Is Hyaluronic Acid with MSM?

Hyaluronic acid with methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a potent combination of two nutritional supplements that supports joint health and other aging concerns. They both contribute to maintaining the health of connective tissue and the integrity of surrounding body structures. Both hyaluronic acid and MSM are present naturally in the human body, but they oftentimes become deficient as a person ages or endures a trauma. Hyaluronic acid with MSM can be taken when a deficiency becomes apparent, or as prevention before any symptoms present. While the substances can be taken by themselves, research shows that the combination, sometimes with other supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin, is most effective when treating or preventing joint disorders, age-related diseases, and trauma.

Hyaluronic acid levels need to be maintained to keep an adequate amount of synovial fluid around joints. Synovial fluid is the cushioning that blankets bone ends and allows these articulations the flexibility needed for everyday movement. Hyaluronic acid supplementation ensures that the synovial fluid will be able to perform correctly and protect against soreness, irritation, inflammation, and bone wear. Hyaluronic acid also functions as a fluid transport system that detoxifies and aids in cellular respiration, thus giving a person more energy and less pain.

MSM, the second component in hyaluronic acid with MSM, provides a vital nutrient to cartilage — sulfur. MSM is present in varying amounts in food, but the majority of adults start to become deficient beginning in their 30’s. In addition, hectic lifestyles increase the demand for the immune support and other repair processes that are catalyzed by the substance. MSM is the major mineral required by collagen to make repairs to body tissues. Research shows that adequate levels also inhibit pain impulses along nerve fibers, an ability that is extremely beneficial to arthritis patients.

Hyaluronic acid with MSM combines the benefits of both supplements into a single product. In combination they provide a unique approach to prevention and recovery from joint deterioration and surgery. Supplementation can correct a deficiency in either substance and can reverse some damage already caused by aging. There are new uses being discovered by researchers including improving eye function by improving the flow of nutrients to the liquid that forms the eyeball, and treating gum disease characterized by painful inflammation. Hyaluronic acid with MSM has very few reported side effects, the worst of which is stomach pain that can be avoided by taking the supplement with meals.