What Is Idiyappam?

Idiyappam, also known as sevai or string hoppers, is a traditional South Indian dish that originated in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is a popular breakfast dish and is also enjoyed as a light meal or snack. Idiyappam is made of steamed rice noodles and is often served with coconut milk curry or various other accompaniments. In Sri Lanka, it is a staple food and is consumed throughout the day.

Idiyappam is a gluten-free dish, making it suitable for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. The simplicity of the ingredients and the method of preparation make idiyappam a versatile dish that can be enjoyed people of different dietary preferences.

To make idiyappam, one needs a special utensil called an idiyappam maker. This tool is used to create the thin rice noodles that give idiyappam its unique texture. The idiyappam maker consists of a cylindrical tube with small holes at the bottom through which the dough is pressed to form the noodles.

The key ingredient in idiyappam is rice flour. Traditionally, raw rice is soaked, ground, and then the batter is steamed to make rice noodles. However, to simplify the process, ready-made rice flour is often used. You can find packaged rice flour specifically labeled for making idiyappam in most supermarkets or Indian grocery stores.

To make the idiyappam dough, rice flour is mixed with hot water and a pinch of salt. The hot water helps in binding the rice flour and gives the dough a pliable texture. Once the dough is prepared, it is transferred to the idiyappam maker. By rotating the handle of the idiyappam maker, the dough is pushed out through the small holes, creating thin strands of noodles.

The noodles are then steamed in a steamer or an idli maker until they become soft and translucent. The steaming process ensures that the idiyappam is cooked thoroughly without losing its shape. Once cooked, the idiyappam is ready to be served.

Idiyappam can be enjoyed with a variety of accompaniments, both sweet and savory. One popular combination is idiyappam served with coconut milk curry. The curry is typically made cooking grated coconut with spices such as mustard seeds, curry leaves, and turmeric powder. This coconut milk curry adds a rich and flavorful touch to the delicate rice noodles.

In addition to coconut milk curry, idiyappam can be served with other gravies, chutneys, or even as a side dish with non-vegetarian curries. It is a versatile dish that can be customized according to individual preferences.

Idiyappam is not only delicious but also nutritious. It is a rich source of carbohydrates and provides energy for the day. The dish is low in fat and can be made healthier using whole-grain rice flour or adding vegetables to the dough.

The popularity of idiyappam extends beyond South India. It is enjoyed in Sri Lankan cuisine as well, where it is known as ‘string hoppers.

‘ Sri Lankan string hoppers are often served with a spicy coconut sambal or a chicken or fish curry.

To conclude, idiyappam is a traditional South Indian dish made of steamed rice noodles. It is a gluten-free and versatile dish that can be enjoyed with various accompaniments. Whether you choose to serve it with coconut milk curry or pair it with other gravies, idiyappam is sure to delight your taste buds. Being easy to make and healthy, it is a must-try dish for anyone looking to explore the diverse flavors of South Indian cuisine.