What Is in a Frog Habitat?

Depending on the type of frog, there may be a number of items in its habitat. Frogs live in nearly every type of environment, including deserts, but there is typically some type of water in these natural habitats. Many pet owners also try to recreate the natural habitat of a frog in large aquariums. Different types of frogs, however, will typically require different types of habitats. Fish, insects, and natural décor can also be added to a captive frog’s habitat.

Frogs can be found in most areas of the world. Like most other amphibians, frogs require some water in their habitats, since they live part of their lives in water and part on land. The water source in a frog habitat may not always be apparent, but it is usually there in some form. Pet frogs should also have access to water when it is needed, and many owners also mist their frogs with a spray bottle periodically.

One very common frog habitat is a pond. They can also be found in many other bodies of water, including rivers and puddles. Several frog species can also be found in the moist rainforests of the world. Some frogs also make deserts their home, burying themselves deep in the sand during very dry seasons. These types of frogs typically emerge from the ground during the rainy season to mate and lay eggs in shallow, temporary pools of water.

Aquariums, or fish tanks, are typically used when caring for pet frogs. A 10 gallon (38 liter) aquarium is often a good choice when housing frogs. A larger aquarium, like a 20 gallon (76 liter) aquarium, is also a good choice, since it would give the frogs more room.

A semi-aquatic frog habitat is generally used for most types of pet frogs. In this type of tank, half of the bottom of the tank is usually filled with water, while the other half contains soil or sand. Special semi-aquatic aquariums can often be purchased from pet stores, or dividers can be used to modify a regular aquarium.

Completely aquatic tanks may also be used to keep some frogs. An African dwarf frog is one type of frog that can be kept in this sort of frog habitat. Some frog owners also keep some docile fish, like goldfish, in these types of habitats. Not only do they add color and movement to the tank, but they also help keep the tank clean.

Some types of frogs may require trees or branches to climb on. Tree frogs, for example, should be kept in a high aquarium with tall vegetation. Dead or artificial tree branches can also be used in this type of frog enclosure.

Frogs also need a food source. In a natural frog habitat, these amphibians typically have an abundance of insects and worms to snack on. A captive frog should also have a steady supply of these types of creatures. Flies, crickets, worms, grasshoppers, and other insects are all usually good food for a pet frog.

Pet frogs can also be shy creatures at times, and providing a hiding place in an artificial frog habitat is usually recommended. A small hollow log should be sufficient, or a small plastic tub will work. Some frogs may also prefer to bury themselves in the soil under a rock.