What is Included on the Computer Science GRE?

The GRE® (Graduate Record Examination) in Computer Science is divided into four sections. Computer Architecture and Organization accounts for 15% of the test grade; Software Methodology and Systems accounts for 40% of the test grade; Mathematical Theory and Background accounts for 40% of the test grade; and Other Topics accounts for the remaining 5% of the test grade.

There are five main sub-fields in the field of computer architecture and organization. Control Units and Processors are the first. Questions on number and arithmetic representation, data paths and control sequencing, as well as general questions on instruction sets, appear on the Computer Science GRE®.

Digital Logic Design is the second subfield, and it entails analysis and optimization as well as sequential and combination circuit implementation. Memories and Hierarchies is the third section, which covers cache and storage types, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, and performance and implementation issues. Communications and Networks is the fourth category, which includes networking devices such as routers and switches, as well as input-output systems and synchronizing computers. High-Performance Architecture, which includes distributed and parallel architecture, superscalar pipelining, and unordered execution processors, is the final option.

There are five sub-fields in the Software Methodology and Systems field of the Computer Science GRE®. The first is Data Organization, which includes techniques for implementing data, data structures, and data types. The second section covers synchronization, concurrency, and communication, as well as recursion and iteration, and functions, methods, procedures, and exception handlers.

Programming Notations and Languages is the third subfield in the Software Methodology and Systems field of the Computer Science GRE®, and it includes expression evaluation, parameter passing, binding, scope, and program control/data organization constructs. Verification techniques, specifications, assertions, development models, tools, and patterns are all part of Software Engineering. Questions about databases, system analysis, resource management, interpreters, run-time systems, compilers, operating systems, the Internet, and networking make up the last sub-field.

There are three main sub-fields in the Mathematical Theory and Background section of the Computer Science GRE®. The first is called Complexity and Algorithms, and it covers topics like algorithm design, asymptotic and exact algorithm analysis, computational complexity, and upper and lower complexity bounds. Language Theory and Automata is the second section, which covers computation models, decidability, and formal grammar and language. Discrete Structures is the final course, which covers graph theory, elementary combinatorics, number theory, recurrent relations, and mathematical logic.

Other Topics is the final section of the Computer Science GRE®. Cryptography, computer graphics, number analysis, artificial intelligence, and security are among the topics covered. There are also questions about social issues in this section.