Independence is an important word for most countries in the world. It means freedom, but to most nations it means more. The freedom they have now did not always exist. For most countries, being independent means they have been released. Before that time, they were usually colonized. Colonization is a system that generally allowed one population to benefit from the often unjust treatment of another population.
To understand the importance of the word independence, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the word colonization. Many of the world’s countries were colonized before they were independent. This meant that instead of being recognized as lands filled with people who have their own thoughts, beliefs, and plans, these lands were treated as the possessions of other people. The people’s lives were dictated by the decisions made by a few strangers in a place that was usually very far away.
Colonization often involved unjust and shameful acts. Foreigners took over land from natives, and when they did, they sometimes used crooked, vicious, and brutal methods. In many cases, the natives were treated as a lower class or were exterminated. Land was divided according to the will of the foreigners who broke up communities and forced people from their homes. The foreigners exploited the land, caused war among the natives, and kept most of them in poverty.
Independence, with regards to a country, means that generally at some point, people decided they were not free. The idea arose because they wanted to be released from the grasp of colonization, but this system of control tended to be a benefit to those with power. As a result, freedom from colonization often involved a lot of violence.
For a country to be independent means it is a nation whose people are recognized collectively. They are identified by the character, morals, and beliefs they have chosen for themselves. An independent country has the right to establish a constitution which outlines it fundamental principles. It has the right to develop its own system of government and to see its own people as the heads of that government. People often gained rights that should never have been denied, such as the right vote and the right to choose a religion.
In most countries, independence is marked by an annual holiday. It is usually observed on the same day every year. Usually, an independence day is recognized as a national holiday resulting in the closing of many public facilities.