What is Integrated T1?

A T1 line is a standard for voice and data communication in several parts of the world. An integrated T1 is a specific method of subdividing a standard T1 line to allow multiple applications dedicated to transmission across a single line. This is similar to a fractional T1 where different users use a single T1 line, but the goal in these two situations is different. Integrated T1 is common in large businesses, as it allows the transmission of different data threads over a single line without interference from one another.

The T1 specification is common all across North America and Japan, while many other areas use a different, but similar, specification called an E1. A standard T1 line transmits information across 24 interconnected channels. These channels may transmit information of any kind, but the two most common are voice and data transmissions.

An integrated T1 works a little differently. In this case, the 24 channels remain separate. Each channel is set to a dedicated purpose or application. For instance, one channel may operate for a telephone system, while another works with a computer network. The channels in an integrated T1 do not transmit information back and forth for any reason. Each of the channels is a closed circuit.

This system is very similar to a system called a fractional T1. In this case, a single T1 line is subdivided from two to 24 times. Each of these subdivisions is then leased as a separate connection. The individual areas remain separate from one another. This is common in buildings with multiple offices that need to share a single network system.

The biggest difference between these systems is in their use. With an integrated T1, each channel works specifically for a different purpose. With a fractional T1, the subdivision doesn’t specify how the channels will be used. They may operate as a standard T1 or in any other configuration. It is possible to lease a number of channels from a fractional system and then use those channels in an integrated manner, but this is an uncommon configuration.

Integrated T1 is a great way of reducing the number of physical transmission methods while maintaining separate systems. In many circumstances, the phone, internet, cable and other common data systems each has its own separate methods of entering a building. With an integrated T1, all these systems may come in over a single cable. This requires less maintenance and creates fewer spots where trouble can occur.