The majority of entry-level industrial designers have a bachelor’s degree in the field, and many go on to pursue master’s degree training in the field. Industrial design training is also available that does not require a degree and instead consists of courses in the subject. Internship programs at various organizations provide real-world industrial design training to college students. Some training takes place on the job through training programs and mentorship programs with other industrial designers.
Industrial design bachelor’s degree programs are available at many colleges and universities. This degree prepares you to work in the field by requiring you to take a variety of industrial design courses. Basic design techniques, as well as advanced design, textile design, and model building, are covered by students. Computer software is used to create models of various products before they are built, so technology is a big part of industrial design training. Students are required to submit a portfolio of their work, and internships are typically done to provide on-the-job training and experience.
A master’s degree in industrial design, which is often offered through a university’s fine arts department, focuses on the subject of design in greater depth. Advanced design techniques such as three-dimensional modeling, industrial drawing, and materials are taught to students. An internship is usually included in the curriculum because it allows students to gain additional work experience in their field. A thesis project that showcases the work that the student completed during his or her time at the school is the culmination of the master’s industrial design training.
Individuals who do not wish to pursue a degree in industrial design can take courses, and they are frequently tailored for those already working in the field to provide additional training on a specific subject. Specific software programs, advanced rendering techniques, and part design are among the topics covered. Employees may be required to take these types of continuing education courses by their employers in order to stay current in their fields.
When someone is hired for a job, they are frequently given on-the-job training in industrial design. This can take the form of classes or hands-on training while working on the company’s products. Finding a mentor to talk to about various issues relating to succeeding in the field and doing the job better is beneficial for someone working in industrial design.