What Is Involved in the Management of Polydipsia?

Appropriate steps in managing polydipsia, or excessive thirst, depend on whether an individual’s chronic thirst condition has biological or psychological origins. Extreme thirst, accompanied by excessive urination, is frequently seen as one of the first physical symptoms of diabetes. This type of biologically based polydipsia can be managed by appropriate treatment and monitoring of the diabetic condition, typically with insulin. A condition known as psychogenic polydipsia is seen with mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, as well as with children experiencing emotional difficulties. In these cases, addressing the psychological issue through therapy, medication, or other means is the only effective option for managing the polydipsia condition.

When polydipsia is a symptom of diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitis, the sensation of extreme or chronic thirst is typically seen along with a significant increase in urinary output. If these symptoms occur in an individual who has already been diagnosed with a form of diabetes, excessive thirst might indicate a need for adjusting the dosage of insulin or other diabetic medications. An individual with diabetes who experiences extreme thirst or weight loss should consult his or her physician regarding the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels. Commonly, tingling or numbness of the arms and legs as well as blurry vision could happen in conjunction with polydipsia as a sign of inadequate insulin.

Psychogenic polydipsia occurs as a symptom of a mental disorder or emotional imbalance. In such cases, there is no biological cause for the urge to drink excessive amounts of water. Psychiatric intervention in the form of medication, therapy, or other psychological support is the treatment indicated for excessive thirst with no biological basis.

For some cases, a water restriction test could be used to aid in the diagnosis of polydipsia. In this procedure, an individual is prevented from ingesting fluids during a supervised period while his or her blood, urine, and weight are monitored hourly. The person being tested is typically allowed to have a few ice chips during the test but cannot consume liquids. This test can sometimes be helpful in differentiating a psychogenic or biological basis for excessive thirst.

Excessive thirst can have other biological roots aside from diabetes. Exposure to some types of poisons can result in extreme thirst, among other symptoms. Occasionally, excessive thirst might occur as a result of a zinc deficiency, due to zinc’s action of aiding the body’s absorption of fluids. Certain types of medications, such as diuretics or anticholinergics, can cause a sensation of great thirst. A short-term sensation of extreme thirst could occur due to exercise or a spicy meal.