What is Lace Knitting?

Knitting is a hobby enjoyed by many people around the world. You can create warm and practical items, colorful and cheerful items and even fine lace heirloom items. Lace knitting is considered an ambitious feat, even among experienced knitters, but anyone who can knit has the capability of tackling lace knitting patterns.

Simply put, lace knitting is the art of knitting and leaving holes in the finished project on purpose. Knitters use a variety of decorative stitches and patterns. Two examples are eyelet patterns created by wrapping the yarn around the needles more than once, and a pattern that resembles the open pattern of branches, utilizing increases and decreases as a way to leave the fabric open and airy. There are many different projects ranging in skill from beginner to advanced, and enough variation to satisfy anyone’s needs.

Newcomers to lace knitting often wonder if they need special supplies or yarn. While some lace patterns are worked on very fine lace knitting needles with thin, thread-like yarn, others are created using medium weight worsted yarn and needles larger than one would normally use to produce a lacy effect. Just as there are many different ways to knit a scarf or sweater, there are many different ways to knit lace. It may take time for knitters to find a method that they feel comfortable with.

Knitted lace items include just about every piece of apparel. Knitters can construct fine shawls, thin enough to pass through a wedding ring. They can also create bulky, warm winter hats with lace motifs or socks with lace edgings. Baby items and bridal wear are also subject to a touch of lace. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it serves as a reminder of the time and effort put into the project.

Knitters who find themselves frustrated by lace knitting may find it easier to switch their yarn or needle selection, or switch to a different lace pattern. Knitting is about having fun and creating a wearable garment at the same time. So much effort goes into a knitted item, especially a knitted lace item, that it may feel like a waste of time to knit a pattern you don’t love.